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For constants

Consider a macro below.

#define PI 3.14

There are several drawbacks when using a macro.

  • It’s hard to debug.As we all know, the macros are resolved by the preprocessor and the compiler know nothing about them.When you get an error when compiling the program, the error message may refer to 3.14 but not PI because PI is not in the symbol table.

  • It will result in more object codes.When the preprocessor replace PI with 3.14, there will be several copy of 3.14 in the object code.

If we use the constant instead of the macro,

const double Pi = 3.14;

it has the following advantages, respectively.

  • It’s easy to debug, since the constant is in the symble table.

  • It has only one copy in the object code.The other place it appears is just its references.

But I think it has disadvantages too.

When replacing lots of macros with constant, there will be lots of entries in the symbol table.And it will make the object files or executable files larger.

When defining a constant string, we may want to do this.

const char *Name = "Tom";

But this is not effecient.

If defined above, the value “Tom” cannot be changed, but what the pointer Name points to can be changed.So the compiler will allocate a piece of memory for the pointer Name in the normal data segment.Moreover, when the linker starts working, it need to perform some relocations for Name.

So, it’s better to be defined as follows.

const char * const Name = "Tom";

or const char Name[] = “Tom”;

Now the compiler will put Name in the read only data segment and the linker needn’t performing relocations.

Alternatively, we can use this.

const std::string Name("Tom");

For class-specific constants

Sometimes we need a constant member in the class, for example.

class Hand {
    static const int NumFingers = 5;
    int fingers[NumFingers];

In order to ensure there is only one copy of the constant, it must be static.

However, static const int NumFingers = 5; is just a declaration for NumFinger.Why this can be compiled with no error message?Everything should have its definition, does it?However, the class-specific constants that are static and with integral type(int, char, bool,…) is an exception.

You can even use the constant.

#include <cstdio>

class Hand {
    static const int NumFingers = 5;
    int fingers[NumFingers];

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    printf("%d\n", Hand::NumFingers);
    return 0;

But when you want to use the address of NumFingers, you must put the definition of NumFingers in the implemetation file of the class.

#include <cstdio>

class Hand {
    static const int NumFingers = 5;
    int fingers[NumFingers];

const int Hand::NumFingers;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    printf("%p\n", &Hand::NumFingers);
    return 0;

Remember, there is no need to put static at the begining of the definition.

We know that the size of the array finger is just the value of the static constant NumFingers.But there is another way to do that.

class Hand {
    enum {NumFingers = 5};
    int fingers[NumFingers];

That is fine, too.

For functions

Macros like this

#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))

can result in many painful problems.

  • First, you have to remember parenthesizing all the arguments(We all know why).

  • There are problems when calling it like this MAX(++a, b)(It’s easy to think about it).

If using inline and template, we can solve all this problems.

#include <cstdio>

template<typename T>
inline T
max(const T& a, const T& b)
    return a > b ? a : b;

main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char a = 'a', b = 'b';
    int c = 1, d = 2;
    printf("%c\n", max(a, b));
    printf("%d\n", max(c, d));
    return 0;

However, I don’t think macros are useless and should be replaced by const, enum and inline.In a way, macro can decrease the time of compiling and linking.And there are still lots of code that using macros.